Dr. Travis Baker & his family
From growing up on a farm, competing and coaching sports, to meeting his wife, and having two girls, Dr. Travis Baker has given his all in everything he set it out to do.
Spinal Decompression Therapy in Omaha, Nebraska
Dr. Baker uses the revolutionary HillDT Decompression Table. It is the only table of its kind in the state of Nebraska. Dr. Baker’s table does more than reduce the need for surgeries and oral medication. It’s proven to help reduce neck pain related headaches and promote disc healing. Many people suffer from back pain – in fact, 31 million Americans are experiencing pain in their lower back at any given time.
A spinal decompression table uses computerized sensors to perform stretching actions on the spine and promote healing. This creates an environment in which the disc can receive more nutrients and therefore heal itself more quickly and effectively.
The chronic pain treated with the HillDT Spinal Decompression Therapy in Omaha include:
- Bulging, Degenerating or Herniated discs
- Sciatica, pain, weakness, tingling
- Word Spinal Joints
- Injured or diseased spinal nerve roots
Nonsurgical spinal decompression is a type of motorized traction that may help relieve back pain. Spinal decompression therapy in Omaha softly stretching the spine and holding the tension. This change takes pressure off the spinal disks, which are gel-like cushions between the bones in your spine, by creating negative pressure in the disc.
As a result, bulging or herniated disks may draw in, taking pressure off nerves and other structures in your spine. This in turn, helps promote movement of water, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids into the disks so they can heal.
How Is Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression Therapy Done?
You are fully clothed during spinal decompression therapy. Dr. Baker fits you with a belt around your pelvis and another around your upper body trunk. You either lie face down or face up on a computer-controlled table. A doctor operates the computer, customizing treatment to your specific needs.
Treatment may last 25-30 minutes and you may require 20 to 28 treatments over five to seven weeks.