Therapeutic treatment generally centers on the pain management of acute injuries (whiplash, back injury), chronic Injuries (tendonitis), and congenital anomalies (scoliosis). These are only a few example of injuries  in each category to give you an idea of categorization.

Therapy Protocol for Pain

Once patients are at the point feeling better and seeing results. They have reached the stage of protecting and preventing re-injury. This requires the patient to avoid motions and activities that cause significant pain. Pain indicates that damaged/inflamed tissues are being stressed once again.

The goal is to allow healing of injured tissues and to promote maximal physical restoration and functional ability. On the contrary, an excess of rest promotes functional disability, muscle atrophy, and psychological dysfunction. Psychological dysfunction is an inaccurate perception of the patient with permanent damag or loss of confidence. Returning to activities and work too quickly may not allow time for sufficient healing and may thus promote re-injury.


First 72 Hours

Therapy protocol for the first 48-72 hours after an injury you apply ice or a cold pack for 10 minutes every 30-45 minutes. This helps reduce pain and inflammation. If you can handle it, a full immersion into ice water has shown to be the best method for reducing temperature to maximize deep cooling of the injured tissue.

Therapy Protocol After

After 48-72 hours post-injury, apply gentle heat as needed for the relief of pain and reduction in muscle spasm. This can help promote healing by increasing blood circulation to the area. Compression is another option. Snug bandages and wraps may help to reduce swelling while providing support for injured tissue and weakened joints.


We like to use the term Relative Rest. This simply means to take time away from the activities that either promote additional injury or that unnecessarily drain energies which could otherwise be used for healing and recuperation. To help protect the injured area we use bracing, taping, bandages and wrapping as needed.

Following doctor’s orders will help get you back on your feet in no time. If you are still feeling pain, please give us a call.

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