Back Pain from Shoveling Snow

Back Pain from Shoveling Snow

Every year thousands of people are injured due to shoveling snow. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine shows that snow shoveling results in acute injuries of our musculoskeletal system due over exertion or falls. Some of the most common musculoskeletal injuries...
New Year’s Resolution: Your Health

New Year’s Resolution: Your Health

“The Secret of Change is to Focus ALL of Your Energy, Not on Fighting The Old, but on Building The New.” -Socrates There you go again, always taking care of someone else – your children, your aging parents, a sick relative or friend, an out-of-work...
New Year’s Resolution: Your Mind

New Year’s Resolution: Your Mind

New Year’s Resolution: Look Inside Yourself and Here is How.  You have your Mind, Body, and Health.  This will be a three-part blog, today we are discussing your Mind. New Year’s Resolution: Your Mind Your thoughts and behaviors all begin at one central organ,...
New Years Resolution: Your Body & Immune System

New Years Resolution: Your Body & Immune System

Your body should be treated like a temple because there are no upgrades or trade-in options. Viewing your body as a temple is something we have absolutely no problem doing, but treating it as such is much more difficult.  However, as we get older, we become more and...
Strategies to Reduce Stress

Strategies to Reduce Stress

In our society today, people are drinking caffeine to stay awake and then taking pills to help sleep at night. Moreover, many women and mothers are medicated with anti-depressants to help get through their day – this is noted all throughout history. What if all the...

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